Bring Your Bag

A decal on your door, A sticky note on the shopping list or a magnet on the refrigerator door to remind you of taking your bags to the car when shopping, Great! Now what happens, all the efforts and the bags stay on the car and you are already paying for the items.
This application will alert you to bring your bags when you are by your preferred market or store.

design a website


A reminder to the green beyond!

Almost every plastic bag you have touched in your lifetime still exists in some shape or form, the bag my first pair of shoes came on is out there, somewhere.
Paper bag an alternative that kills green vegetation and cost money to produce.
The money you save using recyclable bags can add up. More green!


Identify your favorite shopping locations.

Enter the name of your store, the application will let you select which is your favorite location, the application needs to know where you usually shop to remind you before you get into the store. Before it is to late!


This is my store!

Savvy shoppers know you always have to be on the lookout for the best deals. Over 40% of shoppers say they go to more than one store to get all the things they need. As an average people use from 2 to 5 food stores to do their groceries shopping.


Let's go shopping!

The application will remind you using a text and voice notification when you are in the vecinity of your favorite store. The system can alert you when you are in range of the story utilizing a predefined distance range.

You can remove a store from your list by sliding the store to the left.


This is my store!

Sale Items!
What is new!

We will bring this to your finger tips as soon as we can detect where are we going shopping today.


Personalize your settings.

Modify the default behaviour to suit your shopping habits:

  • Enable/disable voice notification
  • Clear all your favorites from the list.
  • Set the range distance.


A reminder to bring recyclable bags to the store saves your money and the earth.

Bring Your Bag

$ 0.99
The cost of 10 bags in the trunk